Content marketing

Build loyalty and earn the trust of your audience

Why content marketing?

Boost your visibility
Attract qualified visitors to your site through targeted, relevant content.
Dominate results
Improve your SEO positioning and become a key player on search engines.
Build audience loyalty
Create a lasting connection with your customers by engaging them with valuable content.
Become an opinion leader
Establish yourself as an undisputed reference in your field thanks to expert content.

The key stages in content marketing

#1 Content audit

Analyse your site's current content to identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.

#2 Keyword research

Find relevant keywords based on your audience and search trends to guide your strategy.

#3 Creating optimised content

Write and produce content (articles, videos, etc.) that is SEO-optimised, engaging and tailored to your sector.

#4 Promotion and distribution

Share the content on your channels (social networks, newsletters, etc.) and implement backlink acquisition strategies.

#5 Performance analysis

Monitor results (traffic, engagement, conversions) and adjust the content strategy in line with key indicators.

The 3 pillars of content marketing

Content strategy

We create a tailor-made content strategy and editorial calendar to ensure regular, optimised publications.

On-page optimization

We optimise every element of your pages (tags, content, structure) to improve your SEO and deliver a better user experience.

Optimized web copywriting

We create SEO-optimised web content designed to captivate your audience and improve your search engine ranking.

Content strategy and editorial calendar

Why develop a content strategy and editorial calendar?

  • Visibility: Regular, high-quality content optimizes your website’s SEO, thereby improving your online visibility.
  • Effective management: Structured planning makes it easier to organize and publish your content, reducing stress related to deadlines.
  • Brand consistency: A unique and recognizable voice strengthens your brand’s identity, fostering customer loyalty.
  • ROI optimization: By targeting relevant topics at the right time, you attract qualified traffic that is more likely to convert.
  • Agility: A flexible calendar allows you to stay responsive to industry news while keeping your long-term goals in sight.

On-page optimization

Why is on-page optimization important?

  • Hierarchical structure: A logical organization of headings, subheadings, and paragraphs improves search engines’ understanding of your content, thereby enhancing your authority on the topic.
  • URL optimization: Well-structured URLs play a significant role in improving search rankings, much like a strategic location in real estate.
  • Essential technical elements: Metadata, alt texts, and schema markup are crucial components for SEO. Although invisible to visitors, they are decisive for search engines.
  • Optimized performance: Page load speed is a key factor for SEO. A fast page is appreciated by both search engines and users.
  • Responsiveness: On-page optimization ensures a quality user experience across all devices, a criterion highly valued by search engines.

Web copywriting

Why does Elocos web writing stand out?

  • SEO Optimization: We skillfully balance strategic keywords with engaging content, satisfying both Google and your readers.
  • Unique and impactful content: In the sea of online information, we create original texts that capture attention.
  • Targeted and effective approach: We focus on a specific topic with a relevant angle, ensuring maximum impact.
  • Adaptation to your identity: Your brand and values are at the heart of our texts, ensuring authentic communication.
  • Custom writing: We provide tailored content, perfectly suited to your SEO goals and your audience’s expectations.

A few words about our SEO agency

Boosting websites to the top of search results : that’s Elocos’s mission. Based in Brussels, our agency offers tailor-made SEO strategies, tailored to the business needs of our clients, and always more innovative. We carefully craft each line of code, every keyword, and each backlink to maximize your online visibility.

Étude de cas

Questions fréquentes

A few questions and answers

Content marketing is the art of creating killer content to attract, engage and convert your target audience. Instead of pestering people with traditional advertising, we offer them useful and cool content that makes them fall for your brand. It’s like seducing with your brain rather than your muscles!

Think of content marketing as your best salesperson, working around the clock and never taking a coffee break! It boosts your visibility, establishes your expertise, builds customer loyalty and boosts your conversions. Without it, it’s like trying to win a race blindfolded and on one leg. Mission possible!

Content marketing and SEO are like the inseparable Bonnie and Clyde of digital! Content marketing creates killer content, and SEO makes sure that content is visible on Google. One without the other is like a sandwich without bread: it just doesn’t work!

Content marketing isn’t a magic wand, it’s more like planting a tree. It takes time to grow, but once it’s grown, it’ll give you fruit for years to come! In general, allow 3 to 6 months to start seeing solid results. But don’t panic, we often see small victories right from the start!